
Satellite service and dosing booths for OTP patients.

Expanding the geographic reach of OTPs has never been easier. Hub+Spoke creates methadone access points within healthcare settings, connecting patients with OUD to treatment experts and their medications.

Read the White Paper

The first software that enables OTP pharmacists to remotely verify doses.
  • Create OTP access points

    Create OTP access points

    Booths can be leveraged within healthcare infrastructure as compliant methadone dispensing sites.

  • Break down barriers for patients

    Break down barriers for patients

    78% of counties do not have an OTP. Hub+Spoke expands access to methadone and expert addiction treatment care.

  • Expand without the overhead

    Expand without the overhead

    Hub+Spoke booths can be managed by existing staff from any location with EMR access.


Expand access by launching compliant remote OTP booths.

Hub+Spoke technology enables OTPs to rapidly and easily expand their geographic footprint. With Hub+Spoke, central OTP staff can serve satellite medication units in areas that have lacked treatment options. The shared remote workforce enables this model to be extremely efficient and sustainable.

How it Works

Hub+Spoke expands access. Look what it could do in Ohio.

Ohio Imnage 1

Today, 1 in 3 Ohio counties lacks an OTP.

Only 64% of population has access within 15min drive today.

Ohio Imnage 2

Overdose deaths directly correlate to OTP access

Patients needing treatment are connected in real time to OTP addiction specialists, from the locations where they access healthcare services (ie. emergency departments).

Ohio Imnage 3

Opio's tech enables OTP distribution through FQHCs

Distribution points are served remotely by the home OTP. ZING® can receive orders remotely.

  • 36%

    of population does not have access to an OTP within 15 min drive today

  • 73%

    of counties in Ohio with high opioid overdose death rates do NOT have an OTP!

  • 95%

    of population would have access within 15min drive

Hub+Spoke FAQs


Get in touch with our team to learn more.
