Efficiency and Speed:

ZING® takes the pain out of methadone dose preparation.

ZING® robotic technology revolutionizes methadone dose assembly, allowing clinics to optimize staffing, support nurses, and increase patient capacity.

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Zing automates dose assembly to help nurses be more efficient.

See how ZING® transforms clinic efficiency and patient care!

  • Increase Patient Throughput

    Increase Patient Throughput

    ZING® speeds up dose assembly by 3x, enabling you to see more patients and improve overall clinic efficiency.

  • Address Staff Shortages and Decrease Labor Costs

    Address Staff Shortages and Decrease Labor Costs

    ZING® increases staff capacity for a fraction of the cost of man-hours, freeing up nurses to serve patients.

  • Support and Improve Nurse Retention

    Support and Improve Nurse Retention

    Nurses and pharmacists love ZING®. Clinics with our technology boost employee satisfaction and retention.

Work force

Impacted by the nursing shortage?
ZING® can help!

Clinics have closed or reduced hours of service due to staffing shortages. With ZING, nurse capacity is optimized. The monotonous task of dose assembly is taken over by their robotic assistant. Each clinic even names their ZING! ZING boosts nurse satisfaction and retention, ultimately improving patient care.

  • 1 in 3

    Nurses planning to quit by 2027 due to burnout and retirement

  • 450k

    Nurses needed over next 2 years to address the current shortage

  • $56k

    Cost due to staffing challenges when one nurse quits

How ZING® Works

  • Step 1

    Step 1

    ZING® is a robotic dose assembly system that connects to a clinic's existing methadone pump.

  • Step 2

    Step 2

    A nurse sends an order to ZING® from the OTP software dosing screen.

  • Step 3

    Step 3

    ZING® measures, pumps, caps, foil seals, labels, and photographs each dose.

We support EMR Integration

  • Intuitive and Easy to Use

    Intuitive and Easy to Use

    The "Prepare Daily Pour" (PDP) Methasoft-ZING®integration is a game changer. Click a few buttons and ZING®produces all the doses in advance.

  • High-Volume Dose Preparation

    High-Volume Dose Preparation

    ZING® enables pumping, capping, labeling, and foil sealing at a rate of 400 doses per hour.

  • Efficient Remote Order Receiving

    Efficient Remote Order Receiving

    ZING® receives remote orders directly from the EMR, allowing for shared remote nurse workforce through telemedicine and seamless order processing by the ZING® system at remote satellite medication units.

We keep your ZING® working

Every ZING® is deployed with an iPhone that connects nurses to our onshore team for immediate support. Our team provides preventative maintenance and servicing to keep your operations running smoothly.

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Zing with door open
Cost Savings

ZING® makes sense for your budget.

Clinics have closed or reduced hours of service due to staffing shortages. With ZING®, nurse capacity is optimized. The monotonous task of dose assembly is taken over by their robotic assistant. Each clinic even names their ZING®! ZING® boosts nurse satisfaction and retention, ultimately improving patient care.

  • Efficiency and Savings

    Efficiency and Savings

    ZING® has demonstrated a 358% ROI on staffing efficiencies alone while reducing wait times.

  • Improved Staff and Patient Experience

    Improved Staff and Patient Experience

    ZING® brings joy to clinics that were in distress by increasing access to quality nursing care.

  • Remote Order Management

    Remote Order Management

    ZING® can be used with PROOF for remote pharmacist verification, enabling a distributed workforce.


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